An Encounter with Horatio Hornblower

Heading downtown there's a hill that you must go down and from it there's a beautiful view of main street and the Puget Sound. Imagine, what should I see on the waters but a frigate in full sail? Am I watching too much Horatio Hornblower? No, it's the Lady Washington sailing along.

A few years ago when I was reading C.S. Forester's series I came across her website while researching frigates. Delighted, I headed to take some snapshots, glad that I always carry my camera with me. I thought I'd share them:

Coming soon... we'll be take a look at Jane Austen's naval brothers and their careers.


Lua said…
Katherine she is beautiful! Thank you for the amazing photos- can’t wait for next week’s post :)
Katherine said…
Thank you, Lua! :) I had hoped to get a few shots of her in full sail but I'm glad I reached her once she docked or I wouldn't have been able to get such close shots.

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